Publication Ethics
Shine: A Journal of Guidance and Counseling (e-ISSN: xxx) is a national electronically reviewed journal published by the Guidance and Counseling Program, STKIP PGRI Sumenep. Shine: A Guidance and Counseling Journal was first published in 2020. as a scientific journal related to the science or guidance and counseling published online that could beneficial in exchanging and disseminating whether the information or research results to the public in general especially for researchers, practitioners, and others within the scope of guidance and counseling.
The ethical statements of this publication clearly explain the various ethics codes that have to be adhered to by all parties involved in the process of publishing articles in this journal. The parties involved in the publication process are authors, editors, reviewers, associate, and publishers.
Ethics Guidelines for the Journal Publications
The publication of a manuscript or article in this reviewed journal is an important foundation for the institution and as a bridge for the author to pour out all ideas and results of research or scientific studies carried out in the field of coherent and recognized guidance and counseling that the development of the knowledge network will develop widely and continuously. A reviewed manuscript or article is a tangible manifestation of scientific writing written by the author and will also have a significant impact on the institutions that support it. Therefore, all parties (authors, editors, reviewers, associate, and publishers) involved in the publication of this journal are expected to agree and comply with the standards of the code of conduct that have been established for the purposes of each party concerned can do its duties and responsibilities.
Publication Decisions
Publication decisions on manuscripts or articles that have been sent are totally the responsibility of shine editors: guidance and counseling journals that can be fully guided by the policies of the journal's board of editors as legitimate consideration material, but still comply with the prevailing legal provisions. Editors must be neutral, regardless of tribe, race, or religion in evaluating the content of the author's script. Editors are also obliged to keep the author's manuscript or article properly stored and not disseminated to anyone except to parties related to the publication.
Author's Responsibilities
Authors who submit scripts to Shine: A Journal of Guidance and Counseling has the following responsibilities.
- Report the accurate, objective, and original (original) result. In terms of the significance of the research.
- Provide original research data used in manuscripts or articles submitted if necessary
- Ensure that the manuscript submitted is the original work, not the plagiarizing of the work of others.
- It is not permissible to publish the same manuscript to other journals.
- Use the quotation either directly or indirectly in the manuscript in accordance with the terms that are set.
- Declare personnel who have contributed significantly to the manuscript, whether to the conception, design, implementation, or interpretation of the reported research.
- Notify the editor or publisher if the author finds errors or inaccuracies in the writing or content that are less substantive in the script, then the author works with the editor to retract or correct the errors found.
Editor's Responsibilities
The responsibilities of editors in Shine: A Journal of Guidance and Counseling has the following responsibilities.
- Make a decision on the publication of the manuscript
- Help authors improve the quality of the script based on the results of the review
- Receiving the manuscript and storing it properly, should not be disseminated because it is confidential
- Review the manuscript objectively and submit the results of the review with accurate supporting evidence
- Identify other relevant works, to avoid the similarity of the manuscript in the publication of
Reviewer's Responsibilities
Reviewer in Shine: A Journal of Guidance and Counseling has the following responsibilities.
- Decide which manuscripts are appropriate to publish in accordance with editorial board policy.
- Objectively evaluate the manuscript
- Maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript other than to the parties involved in the publication of the manuscript
- Prevent using other people's manuscripts for personal gain and acknowledge them as their own manuscript.
Publisher's Responsibilities
STKIP PGRI Sumenep as the publisher of Shine: Journal of Guidance and Counseling has the following responsibilities.
- To supervise all stages of publication in earnest, no stage is passed to be implemented (systematically)
- Supervise all stages and all parties to comply with the established code of conduct.
c. Give editors and reviewers the freedom to carry out their respective duties and responsibilities in accordance with the code of conduct set forth in.