SHINE: JURNAL BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING is a journal from the guidance and counseling department, the College of Teacher Training and Education of the Teachers’ Association of the Republic of Indonesia (STKIP PGRI) Sumenep which published periodically twice in one year (August and February).
Shine journal concentrates on the strategic study issues, such as research studies and the development of explanation in the guidance and counseling. These include multiculturalism studies, cultural differences, guidance research and counseling based on local wisdom, experimental research, and the research around the development of guidance and counseling.
This journal is handled by several reviewers who have a credible scientific reputation and expert on their field. The Reviewer, who departs from cross-university with a background in guidance and counseling, is expected to provide a balanced and more rigid assessment in terms of his skills capacity. So hopefully, the scientific discussion of guidance and counseling becomes relevant to a variety of cross-disciplinary studies in other fields.
The Editors receive contributions from researchers, authors, and practitioners, who have never-before-published papers in guidance and counseling. The paper is produced and has original thought studies as well as research and development results. Incoming manuscripts will be further processed by the journal team and bestari partners.