Author Guidelines

  1. The article is the author's original work from the results of research in the fields of linguistics, literature, and its management, and has never been published in other media.
  2. Article is typed in a Microsoft Word application, in Times New Roman font, 11pt in size and 1 line spacing.
  3. The writing range ranges from 6000-8000 words or about 12 pages (excluding titles, abstracts, keywords, and references / bibliography).
  4. Article is written in Indonesian
  5. Article consists of various parts, namely title, author's name and affiliation, abstract, keywords, introduction, description and analysis, conclusions, and references.

The details are as follows:

  • The title must be short, clear, written in 14pt capital letters, bold and 8-12 words long
  • The author's name must be written with the full name without an academic degree (degree), and completed by the institution's affiliation and the appropriate address (email address).
  • Abstracts ranging from 150-200 words written in Times New Roman, 10pt in size consisting of discourses on disciplines; the purpose of the article; methodology (if any); research findings; and contributions to disciplines of field study. Abstracts must be written in English and Indonesian and completed by keywords of up to 5 words.
  • The introduction contains background description, literature review (preferably the research findings are not more than ten years old) and the novelty of the article; the scope and limitations of the problems discussed; and the main argument of the article, with a proportion of about 25% of the total article.
  • The method explains clearly how the author conducts research. The research method should clearly describe the research design, replicable research procedures, describe how to summarize and analyze data, accounting for 5% of the entire article
  • Results and discussion must be in accordance with the title and content of the article with a portion of 60% of the entire article
  • Conclusion indicates answers or clarification of research questions and opportunities for further research with a portion of about 10% of the total article
  • References / Bibliography must consist of 80% of relevant and current primary sources (such as journal articles or conferences for the last 5 years). Reference writing system or references using the APA model.
  1. Article must be free from plagiarism; through the attached evidence (screenshot) that the article has been verified through anti-plagiarism software, but is not limited to a plagiarism checker (
  2. Manuscript submission must be completed by the author's CV along with an email address and active telephone number. If the author is more than 1, it is sufficient to write CV from the main author.
  3. Manuscript is sent via OJS Estetika by first registering as an author via